Abstract : Twenty years of redress for spoliations - A renewed mission for spoliated cultural property - The network of European restitution committees: a look back at its first year - The CIVS’ role in terms of Franco-German remembrance efforts - Twenty years of redress for anti-Semitic spoliations during the Occupation: between compensation and returns (Proceedings of the symposium held on November 15, 2019) - Discours de Lionel Jospin, ancien Premier ministre - Remarks by Ambassador (ret) Stuart E. Eizenstat - Recomposer des histoires familiales (Serge Klarsfeld) - Le regard de la partie américaine à l’Accord de Washington - Les biens culturels, « un domaine dans lequel nous devons faire mieux » - The implementation of ‘just and fair’ solutions in Europe - En France, une nouvelle impulsion pour restituer les œuvres d’art spoliées - A European network - The Challenge for Looted Libraries