Report to the public on the work of the Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliations Resulting from the Anti-Semitic Legislation in Force During the Occupation (CIVS) 2009

Abstract : CIVS 1999-2009: Some Introductory Thoughts - A look at 10 years of activity: a functioning at the pace of requests - General approach -The status of files before the appraisal - The examination of requests - Examination of requests and recommendations - Communication to applicants - Administrative management for historical recording - International actions in 2009 - International conference "Holocaust era assets"

Contributeur : CIVS
Déposé le : mercredi 17 août 2022
Dernière modification le : mercredi 17 août 2022


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Report to the public on the work of the Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliations Resulting from the Anti-Semitic Legislation in Force During the Occupation (CIVS) 2009.
Commission pour l'indemnisation des victimes de spoliations intervenues du fait des législations antisémites en vigueur pendant l'Occupation.
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